
Dr. Ellie Peterson


(425) 677-0966

Education and Training:

Doctor of Psychology from Northwest University

Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology from Northwest University

Bachelor of Science in Psychology from University of Washington

Dr. Peterson is certified in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Plus for children and families to treat depression, anxiety, trauma, and externalizing behaviors. She completed the Child Mental Health Specialist Training and is also certified in Trauma-Focused CBT. She has also received training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and psychodynamic approaches. Her dissertation research explored the effects of a trauma-informed yoga program on mindfulness, particularly self-awareness and self-acceptance, in high-risk youth. Additionally, she is trained in administering and interpreting psychological assessment batteries including cognitive, neurocognitive, academic, behavioral, and personality tests.

Background and Experience:

Dr. Peterson has been providing mental health care since 2009. The majority of her experience has been with adolescents although she has enjoyed working with people of all ages. She has served youth in multiple capacities, including a school-based teen health center, outpatient clinics, and an inpatient psychiatric hospital. In these settings, she has provided individual and family therapy. She has also lead and co-created curricula for group therapy sessions with adolescents and adults on a variety of topics such as relationships, psycho-education, coping and self-care, safety planning, and managing strong emotions.

Dr. Peterson is also a supervisor to doctoral and masters level student therapists and evaluators through Northwest University. She was also an adjunct professor of psychology and curriculum developer for NU from 2010 to 2020, teaching undergraduate, masters, and doctoral level courses.

Special Interests and Services:

Dr. Peterson takes a strength-based and holistic approach to the evaluation process and therapy. She is passionate about fostering the interconnectedness between the mind, body, and soul to help people cultivate meaning and purpose in their lives. She believes that mindfulness and developing a healthy self-understanding is foundational to positive growth, which starts with an empathic and supportive therapeutic relationship. Especially with young folks, she recommends and incorporates experiential modalities into therapy such as art, play, and physical activity. 

She is also passionate about serving culturally diverse children and families. Through her graduate studies, she traveled to rural Jamaica; Kolkata, India; and Nairobi, Kenya to spend time with youth in varying capacities. Here at home, she has worked with culturally and ethnically diverse youth, as well as with LGBTQ+ youth and young adults.

Dr. Peterson was born and raised in Western Washington and loves the great outdoors all year round. She keeps up with her own practice of yoga and mindfulness as a form of self-care. She is married with two young daughters and enjoys spending time with friends and family, watching Seattle sports, gardening, cooking, and traveling.

At this time, Dr. Peterson is available for assessments only.